Extra value? Absolutely. Extra effort? Not really.
What does it take to qualify for the exclusive KEMBA Financial Credit Union Advantage Program? Just smart, simple money management - like making use of us as your primary checking account, enrolling in Direct Deposit, and signing up for planet-friendly eStatements. What advantages do Ohio members get for taking these steps? Rate bonuses, discounts, and that's just the beginning.
- Rate bonuses on savings, like Certificates, and Money Markets, plus High Performance Checking, and your dedicated KEMBA Visa credit card rewards savings account
- Rate discounts on auto loans, personal loans, and home equity lines-of-credit
- 8 free non-KEMBA ATM transactions per month (all KEMBA ATMs are free)
- Hassle-Free Checking and/or Business Value Checking with no monthly fee
- Free ACH and check stop transfers
- Free signature guarantees
- 1 free box of checks each year

How to Qualify¹:
- Keep an active KEMBA checking account with at least 15 qualifying transactions per month. That includes bill payments, remote deposit, debit card transactions, and more.
- Arrange for Direct Deposit of your entire payroll, Social Security, or pension check into a KEMBA checking account.
- Get your monthly account statement delivered electronically by enrolling in eStatements through Digital Banking.